Confused? Find Clarity in Material Health & Sustainability 

Watch the recording below and take the quiz for CEU credit!



What You Will Learn:


  1. 1. Understand the required product characteristics that contribute to a sustainable product solution.
  3. 2. Learn to take a multiple attribute approach to product and materials selections.
  5. 3. Learn the importance of establishing Owner Project Requirements and goals that include material health, sustainable attributes, and performance.
  7. 4. Understand where to consistently access sustainable and material health








You just watched Confused? Find Clarity in Material Health & Sustainability. Please take this short quiz about the content to receive credit through IDCEC and/or AIA. 80% or above is considered passing.

Look out for your certificate of completion link at the top of your screen once you pass the quiz. We will report your participation to IDCEC and/or AIA.